Note : Vpopmail is currently under active development. At the time of this writing, version 5.4.32 is the latest.
Vpopmail must be configured, compiled, and installed as root.
First we create the user and group for vpopmail.
rootshell> groupadd -g 89 vchkpw
rootshell> useradd -u 89 -g vchkpw vpopmail
rootshell> tar zxvf /path/to/vpopmail-5.4.32.tar.gz
rootshell> cd vpopmail-5.4.32
rootshell> ./configure --enable-logging=v --enable-clear-passwd --enable-auth-module=mysql --enable-auth-logging --enable-sql-logging --disable-passwd --enable-valias --disable-mysql-limits
The configuration options above are defined as follows :
Log to syslog: n=nothing, e=errors only (default), y=all attempts, p=errors with passwords, v=verbose (all attempts, with passwords).
Store a cleartext version of the password in addition to the encrypted version.
Nominate how to store the vpopmail account information (cdb (default), mysql, pgsql, ldap, oracle, sybase, or activedir).
Record time and ip of last auth attempt. Valid only for CDB, MySQL, PGSQL, LDAP, ActiveDir.
Enable authentication logging to MySQL/Postgres.
Disable /etc/passwd (or shadow) accounts in addition to virtual domains.
Store email aliases in MySQL.
Don't use MySQL to store limits instead of .qmailadmin-limits files.
rootshell> make
rootshell> make install-strip
Vpopmail installation is now complete. There is still a bit of configuration to be done. See the below configuration section for more information.