bincIMAP Configuration

  • Config File Setup
The majority of the bincIMAP configuration is in the bincimap.conf file. This file should be set up first. The default configuration only needs a few changes. Specifically, you should set the jail path to nothing, the depot type to IMAPDir, and set the pem file to /var/qmail/control/clientcert.pem
shell> cat /etc/opt/bincimap/bincimap.conf
Authentication {
   allow plain auth in non ssl = "yes",
   auth penalty = 4,
   disable starttls = "no"
Security {
   jail path = "",
   jail user = "vpopmail",
   jail group = "vchkpw"
Log {
   type = "multilog",
   environment ip variable = "TCPREMOTEIP"
Mailbox {
   depot = "IMAPdir",
   type = "Maildir",
   path = "Maildir",
   auto create inbox = "yes",
   auto subscribe mailboxes = "INBOX",
   umask = "077"
Session {
   idle timeout = 1860,
   auth timeout = 60,
   transfer timeout = 1200,
   transfer buffer size = 1024
   pem file = "/var/qmail/control/clientcert.pem",
   ca file = "",
   ca path = "",
   cipher list = "!ADH:RC4+RSA:HIGH:MEDIUM:LOW:EXP:+SSLv2:+EXP",
   verify peer = "no"
  • Supervise Script Setup
BincIMAP can be set up to be run via daemontools, inetd, or xinetd. The daemontools setup is described below. If you are interested in how to set up inetd or xinetd for binc, please check the README. If you installed via the RPM file, the default scripts have already been installed and only need a little tweaking.
shell> cat /etc/opt/bincimap/service/imap/run
(:source lang=bash:)

BINCUID=`id -u vpopmail`
BINCGID=`id -g vpopmail`

exec 2>&1

exec    tcpserver -c 100                        \
    -l $(hostname) -HDRP                        \
    -u "$BINCUID" -g "$BINCGID"                 \
    0 143                                       \
    /opt/bincimap/bin/bincimap-up               \
    --logtype=multilog                          \
    --conf=/etc/opt/bincimap/bincimap.conf --   \
    /home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw                   \
    /opt/bincimap/bin/linkwrapper               \
shell> cat /etc/opt/bincimap/service/imap/log/run
(:source lang=bash:)

exec 2>&1

exec multilog t n5 s1048576 /var/opt/log/bincimap
shell> cat /etc/opt/bincimap/service/imaps/run
(:source lang=bash:)

BINCUID=`id -u vpopmail`
BINCGID=`id -g vpopmail`

exec 2>&1

exec    tcpserver -c 100                              \
    -l $(hostname) -HDRP                              \
    -u "$BINCUID" -g "$BINCGID"                       \
    0 993                                             \
    /opt/bincimap/bin/bincimap-up                     \
    --logtype=multilog                                \
    --conf=/etc/opt/bincimap/bincimap.conf --ssl --   \
    /home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw                         \
    /opt/bincimap/bin/linkwrapper                     \
shell> cat /etc/opt/bincimap/service/imaps/log/run
(:source lang=bash:)

exec 2>&1

exec multilog t n5 s1048576 /var/opt/log/bincimap-ssl
Once all of these files are created, there are 2 steps remaining. First, we need to create the linkwrapper stub. This stub is a quick method to create an IMAPDir structure within a Maildir structure. A complete description of IMAPDir can be found here. In short, this will allow binc to operate correctly. And secondly, we need to link the run files to the supervise directory so daemontools starts the service.
shell> cat /opt/bincimap/bin/linkwrapper
(:source lang=bash:)
test -e Maildir/INBOX || ln -s . Maildir/INBOX
exec $@
rootshell> chmod 755 /opt/bincimap/bin/linkwrapper
rootshell> ln -s /etc/opt/bincimap/service/imap /service
rootshell> ln -s /etc/opt/bincimap/service/imaps /service

Page last modified on June 13, 2010, at 12:36 PM

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